Join the Bayanihan Movement

Are you passionate about making a tangible difference in the world and in the fight against poverty? Our movement is composed of individuals just like you—driven, compassionate, and committed to creating positive change. 

Here you’ll find a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share  your dedication to eradicating poverty and uplifting communities. 

Join us in our mission to combat poverty and transform lives.

Together, we make the world a better place by uplifting individuals, families and villages contributing to the global community and building momentum for the Bayanihan Movement.

Pure bayanihan’s impact
Communities reached
Families helped
Individuals touched

Become a Bayanihan Monthly Member

Join passionate individuals supporting livelihood projects that lift communities out of poverty monthly. Your donations sustain our projects and provide a reliable source of revenue.
Creates one (1) sustainable livelihood and impacts up to 5 family members.
Creates two (2) sustainable livelihoods and impacts up to 10 family members.
Creates four (4) sustainable livelihoods and lifts up to 20 family members.

Become a Bayanihan Village Sponsor

Join a dedicated group sponsoring livelihood projects for entire communities. By adopting a village, you’ll foster lasting change and empowerment to positively impact 24 to 100 people.
$5,000 annual donation
Funds one transformative project in a village in need.
$20,000 annual donation
Supports four projects, one per quarter, in a village for continuous development.
$50,000 annual donor levels 
Creates 10 projects per year to uplift multiple villages.

Bayanihan Corporate Partners

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