Our Project Vetting Process

At Pure Bayanihan, we are committed to supporting projects that create lasting positive change in communities. Our thorough vetting process ensures we invest in initiatives that are feasible, well-planned, and aligned with community needs.

How We Evaluate Projects

Community Nomination

Communities or advocates can nominate projects through our website or Facebook page. We gather detailed information about community needs and challenges.

Eligibility Assessment

We evaluate communities based on economic vulnerability, need for livelihood support, and willingness to participate. Strong local leadership and alignment with our objectives are crucial.

Proposal Development

Selected communities work with our team to develop a comprehensive project proposal. This includes needs assessment, market analysis, and implementation plans.

Rigorous Review

Our team thoroughly examines each proposal, focusing on:

  • Project objectives and expected outcomes
  • Target beneficiaries and selection criteria
  • Implementation plan and resource allocation
  • Risk management and sustainability strategies
  • Monitoring and evaluation framework
  • Budget and financial planning

Stakeholder Consultation

We engage with community leaders, experts, and potential partners for additional insights.

Decision and Feedback

Based on our assessment, we decide to approve, revise, or decline each proposal. We provide constructive feedback to all applicants.

Ongoing Support and Monitoring

Approved projects receive continuous support and guidance. We implement robust monitoring mechanisms to track progress and impact.

Our Commitment to Transparency

We believe in open communication throughout the vetting process. Our partners can expect:
By adhering to this thorough vetting process, we ensure that every project we support is credible, impactful, and truly beneficial to the communities we serve.
Your trust in Pure Bayanihan enables us to make a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Bayanihan Corporate Partners

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