Sustainable Livelihoods Break the Cycle of Poverty

Poverty remains a significant issue worldwide, with over 700 million people living in extreme poverty. In the Philippines alone, 21.6% of the population lives below the poverty line.
This pervasive problem affects every aspect of life, from health and education to social mobility and economic growth.
While immediate aid is crucial in crisis situations, long-term solutions are needed to break the cycle of poverty. This is where sustainable livelihood programs come in. By providing individuals and communities with the tools, skills, and opportunities to generate income consistently, we offer a hand up, not just a handout.

Impact of Livelihood programs on poverty around the world:

Livelihood programs in Bangladesh increased household income by 37% and reduced poverty probability by 22 percentage points.

India's National Rural Livelihood Mission increased participant income by 22% and reduced high-cost debt by 19%.

African livelihood program participants saw an average 37.5% income increase compared to non-participants.

The Graduation Approach livelihood model increased incomes by 37% on average across multiple countries.

Ethiopian livelihood program participants were 6.8 percentage points less likely to fall below the poverty line.

Pure Bayanihan's Approach: A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out

At Pure Bayanihan, we’re dedicated to creating sustainable livelihoods and ending poverty through a comprehensive approach that empowers communities to take charge of their own development.

Community-Led Initiatives

We partner with local communities to identify their unique needs and develop tailored solutions, ensuring that our programs are culturally relevant and effective.

Empowerment through Education

We provide access to education and vocational training, equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to secure better-paying jobs and start their own businesses.

Livelihood Support

We offer livelihood tools and resources, including agricultural programs and microbusiness support, to help individuals and families achieve financial stability and independence.

Holistic Development

We address the root causes of poverty by providing access to basic needs like healthcare, nutrition, and sanitation, creating a supportive environment for sustainable change.

Sustained Partnerships

We maintain long-term relationships with communities, providing ongoing support and monitoring progress to ensure that our programs have a lasting impact.

Your Support Creates Lasting Change

By supporting Pure Bayanihan, you’re not just giving money – you’re investing in sustainable solutions that empower communities to lift themselves out of poverty.
Your donation contributes to:

Providing skills training and resources for income-generating activities

Supporting community-led initiatives that address local needs

Ensuring long-term monitoring and support for sustainable change

Creating a ripple effect of economic growth in vulnerable communities

Together, We Can Empower Communities to Thrive

We can break the cycle of poverty by providing communities with the tools they need to build a better future. Your support of Pure Bayanihan ensures that your donation goes towards sustainable solutions that give communities a hand up, not a handout. 
Let’s empower families and communities to write their own success stories, one sustainable livelihood at a time.
Donate now to support sustainable livelihood projects and help break the cycle of poverty!

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